
My Author's Page - tonyabrownriverswrites
StartFragmentWell, hello there, and welcome! Allow me to introduce! I am a native of Charlotte, North Carolina Queen City, finest! " Renewal To Passion" is my Debut Inspirational novel with SBinkley Publishing. I write inspirational and contemporary shortstories, novellas and novels. I penned my first manuscript at the age of sixteen. And years - many years later, the writing 'bug' continues to buzz in my imaginations... I am married with two adult sons and enjoy my family to the fullest!I enjoy creating stories about my faith and pay homage to romance with wholesome lovestories that pull at my heartstrings... I am an enthuisastic couch potato! And I love to create muses of writer's inspirations while watching the Hallmark Channel. I also love to wear my " designers'" hat while watching HGTV! I think, I might just have to continue to write and design as long as creativity comes tapping - I love to write about love and designs so, I just may try my hand at blogging on interior designs, while I'm creating stories about heroes and heroines renewing their faith, love, and passions..EndFragment