Renewal To Passion set to come out Oct 2, 2016
I can't wait to share these people with you
Let's sneak a peek of my heroine's perspective...Corliss chewed her lasagna, thoughtfully, swallowing hard, before turning uncertain eyes at her feisty cousin. “That’s if he agrees, Cay, Cay" she affectionately referred to her diva of a cousin. “It doesn’t matter I’m over him, in that capacity.” Corliss had been calling her by the childhood nickname since she could remember. But of course, she acknowledged her professionally by Caitlin but every once in a while, she would trip up and had to stand corrected. Caitlin would especially cringe whenever she did. She was her youngest first cousin on her mother’s side. The Reynolds women were a force to be reckoned with. Corliss was the more laid-back of the clan and that was probably why she allowed Gavin to use and abuse her in the past. But like Nicci Canada's, the jazz artists song ‘‘Welcome to My World’ in Corliss’s interpretation, Gavin was going to 'welcome to her world' and her new outlook, on life, period. Despite the heartache he put her through, she'd bounced back! Corliss knew Gavin wasn’t a vindictive person by nature but, his betrayal cut her deep and years later she still felt the oozing from the wound.